How do I give?

‘All things come from you, O God, and of your own do we give you.’ (1 Chronicles, 29.14) This verse from the bible sums up our attitude to giving at St Matthew’s: we give because God is the sustainer of all life, and gives generously us what we need to live. We also believe that as God charges us to ‘be good stewards’ of the gifts God has given us: to use them wisely and well, for our own health as well as the building up of God’s kingdom.

We try to make giving straightforward at St Matthew’s. The easiest and most tax-efficient way to give is through the Parish Giving Scheme. If you’d like to sign up to give regularly, or give a one-off donation through this scheme, please email Dawn Bigsby our Parish Admin on

Legacies & Will-making

Sometimes those who have worshipped at St Matthew’s or been part of the parish during their lives — whether earlier on or near the end — decide to leave a donation to the church in their will, as part of their legacy. We have recently received donations towards children’s work, general ministry, and specific building projects, for example.

If you are interested in donating to the work of our parish in your will, please speak to the Rector, Mother Erin, about how best to do this with the support of a solicitor, family member, and/or funeral arranger.